$500 Billion / year
is spent on cardiometabolic disease affecting
over 100 million Americans.
Early personalized Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment is the key to changing those chilling statistics.
We give you a complete and actionable advanced diagnostic report to power the necessary shared decision-making to address individual risk for diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.
I want to
Identifying risk early is critical changing patient outcomes.
Our Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment is the only tool that integrates:
Relevant individual medical history
Outcome-proven NMR measured biomarkers
40+ risk factors from the many guidelines (ACC, ESC, NLA, AACE, ADA, and MESA)
Longitudinal tracking
enabling your providers to find each patient’s unique risk for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, or suffering a ASCVD event such as a heart attack or stroke.
Did You know?
Cardiovascular disease is the #1 leading cause of death for men and women.
Every year, about 805,000 Americans have a heart attack.
About 2 in 10 deaths from coronary artery disease happen in adults less than 65 years old.
People with cardiovascular disease spend +$19,000 more annually on medical care.
Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S.
More than 88 million US adults—over a third—have prediabetes, and more than 84% of them don’t know they have it.
Medical costs for people with diabetes are 2x as high as for people without.
Using the most advanced lipoprotein biomarkers available, relevant clinical history, and multiple national and international guidelines, we give you the clearest picture of each patient’s cardiometabolic health.
How the risk assessment process works:
Once we receive your order, the patient takes a 5-minute clinical history survey to provide information about their health.
We coordinate a 5-minute walk-in blood draw at a LabCorp lab in your area to have the outcome-proven biomarkers drawn.
Within a few days you receive the risk comprehensive diagnostic to guide your next clinical encounter with a personalize report.
Are you a private-practice healthcare provider and want to make this unique product available to your patients?
We appreciate that you are a doctor and not a data collector.
Our secure platform reduces your clinic’s work to just 30 seconds to order an assessment, gather medical history, and order the labs for your patients.
Instead of collecting data and trying to apply multiple guidelines, you get a comprehensive and actionable risk assessment that you can use to guide your next clinical discussion with your patient.