Have a complete shared decision-making discussion with your patients about their cardiometabolic risk
The Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment is the first and only guideline-based comprehensive assessment to identify personalized risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart attack, or stroke in one complete Assessment.
Cardiometabolic disease risk is too often left unmeasured in primary care
Gathering the necessary clinical history and outcome-proven biomarkers then applying all of the correct guidelines is far too time intensive to handle one patient at a time.
Help your patients avoid costly and healthspan-shortening cardiometabolic disease by having the best tools to power your shared decision-making with your patient.
Let us do the heavy lifting for you!
DYK: Our assessment considers 40+ unique risk factors for age, gender, and ethnicity-specific individual cardiometabolic risk?
Our diagnostic assessment report puts the risk reduction guidelines to work for you by:
Integrating your patient’s relevant clinical history and biometrics
Collecting the best outcome-proven biomarkers available
Assessing your patient against 30+ different ASCVD Risk Enhancing Factors
Applying the multiple national & international guidelines based on longterm clinical studies
Setting threshold therapeutic goals that meeting or exceeding are proven to reduce individual risk
Providing you and your patient a tracking mechanism to assess the impact of interventions
How Precision Health Reports works with your clinic:
You or your staff orders a personalized risk assessment for your patient.
The patient provides their clinical history through our secure portal.
We coordinate their blood draw with your or at a local LabCorp service center.
You receive a complete & actionable report to address their unique risk factors.
A Complete Cardiometabolic Risk Report to Identify Individual Risk
Integrating patient-specific clinical data with outcome-proven biomarkers and clinical guidelines, this analysis provides specific actionable information that reflects an individual’s unique risk, critical factors that amplify their risk, and cumulative tracking of biomarkers most predictive of risk reduction in response to therapeutic interventions.
Metabolic Syndrome Severity Scoring
Gender & ethnicity sensitive metabolic health risk factors and goals
10-year and Lifetime cardiovascular event risk
As many as 30+ risk enhancing factors for cardiovascular disease
Gender-specific 8-year Diabetic Risk Score
Individualized lipoprotein management goals
Advanced NMR lipid panel with ApoB or LDL-P, LP-IR, Hemoglobin A1C, Fasting Glucose, Lp(a), and GlycA
Amber Bazler, MD
“Precision Health Reports is a cornerstone in my cardiovascular program! Precision has saved me a ton of time and effort when it comes to risk-stratifying my patients. Not only that, but my patients get a professional easy-to-read report that is specific to each of them and very clinically useful as well.”
—Amber Bazler, MD
Medical Director for Craft Concierge
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