Just what you were looking for: an employer benefit that actually benefits both employees and employers

Employers with healthy team members perform better, experience less absenteeism, and significantly reduce their health insurance costs.

  • The best employees are proactively seeking employers with the best benefits to live better and contribute to their company’s mission.

  • Partnering with Precision Health Reports enables a company’s employees to find their risk factors early, facilitating proactive health management.

  • Early, comprehensive risk screening typically results in inexpensive interventions rather than costly medications or hospitalization.

  • The Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment enhances the effectiveness of other dietary and lifestyle benefits offered by employers enabling better use of other benefits to disease risk.

 Benefits to the Employer

  • For every $1.00 dollar spent in an effective employee wellness initiative, the employer see a $3.27 return on investment (Eden Health ROI report).

  • A recent study found that companies with wellness programs had a 28% lower rate of healthcare claims and a 30% lower rate of hospitalizations compared to those without such programs.

  • In today’s competitive hiring market, employees demand wellness programs. 87% of employees consider health and wellness offerings when choosing an employer.

  • Employee wellness programs help improve overall workforce health and well-being of employees, leading to increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs for the company.

What’s included in each assessment:

  1. Comprehensive pre-assessment questionnaire to collect the relevant medical history from the individual employee. Collection happens conveniently from the individual’s mobile device.

  2. Advanced highly-predictive biomarkers collected at a walk-in blood draw at a local convenient LabCorp service center. Takes about 5 minutes (and these aren’t the basic ‘just bloodwork’ samples that happens in a routine physical).

  3. A personalized report discretely delivered with the individual’s personalized risk factors to share with their healthcare provider or corporate wellness.

  4. Longitudinal tracking enabling the individual employee to track progress and motivate continued healthy progress.


Employees start by completing a Preassessment Questionnaire with some background clinical history necessary to make an accurate personalized Assessment.

For the blood draw, individuals can goto any LabCorp location in the U.S. for a brief walk-in fasted blood draw. This typically takes less than 10 minutes on the way to work.

Within 5 days, the individual’s completed Cardiometabolic Risk Assessment is discretely delivered enabling them to understand their risk factors and targets to reduce disease risk.

With the completed report in hand, the individual is welcome to work with their own physician, the employer’s wellness program, or can schedule with a Precision Health coach.

Are you ready to learn more offering cardiometabolic disease wellness program to your employers? Let’s talk!